Examples of typographic images

http://vincentperrottet.com/ (amazing french poster designer)
http://fromkeetra.com/ (a playful wordsmith / designer I know and love)

http://thisiscolossal.com/?s=typography (that crazy site where you can find a dizzying amount of too much cool stuff )

http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2010/11/hand-cut-typography/ (a lovely thoughtful project)


http://www.tm-research-archive.ch/ (beautiful archive of swiss typographic covers for a type magazine series from the 70s/80s)


http://www.edruscha.com/featured-works/ (world famous painter/artist lover of words)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m86ae_e_ptU (OK-Go music video; if you dont like their music just turn the volume down)


http://www.ok-rm.co.uk/project/the-billboard-book-project-jonathan-monk (great UK studio project: about scale, proportion, type)

http://balladora.blogspot.com/ a very well curated typography blog with a deep archive.

also look up HN Werkman, and also enjoy this


https://www.are.na/share/GMgWhBK (From JC)


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